Friday, November 27, 2009

Get the Scoop on the CoolCorC Czarf

CoolCorC is honored to be included in the 2009 Christmas Gift Guide of The Dirty Shirt Blog. Our cork leather coasters and Czarf were reviewed and we are very excited to announce that we are giving away a Czarf through The Dirty Shirt Blog. To see how to receive a free CoolCorC Czarf, please click here (hurry though! The deadline to enter is December 9th!). Here is part of the review:

I love having a cover for my coffee cups so I can actually carry them and I am loving my new CoolCorC Czarf because it works!
The Dirty Shirt Blog is headed by Jennifer - a mother of three who started blogging, as many do, to keep her family up-to-date on her childrens activities. She started to do product reviews and is now a highly respected reviewer and has been rated as one of Neilsen’s Top 50 Power Moms. She is a Frigidaire Test Mom and has worked with Oscar Mayer, The Motherhood, TJ Maxx, Marshalls as well as General Mills.