Monday, October 5, 2009

Using Cork Helps Everyone and Every Tree

CoolCorC is using corks natural beauty and attributes for cup sleeves. Cork is hypoallergenic, waterproof, biodegradable, renewable, sustainable and highly insulative. Cork is the perfect all natural material to keep that hot cup of coffee from burning your hands.

Current mainstream cup sleeves use paper as their base. Paper is harvested from trees that are removed (cut down) from their environment. Once a tree is cut down it can no longer absorb green house gases or help support the animals that rely on the cork forests.

CoolCorC offers both disposable and reusable cup sleeves. Disposable CoolCorC cup sleeves are made of unprocessed cork and will degrade similarly to bark (since it is bark). CoolCorC's reusable cup sleeve - the Czarf - is made of unprocessed cork and cork leather. It is tough, durable and luxorious to hold. A single person using CoolCorC cup sleeves (either disposable or reusable) can potentially eliminate 10 lbs of cardboard cup sleeve waste a year (that's one cardboard sleeve a day for a year).

CoolCorC Disposable Cup Sleeve

CoolCorC Czarf - Reusable Cup Sleeve

Using cork helps maintain cork forests and trees that would otherwise be cleared for use as paper cup sleeves. Maintaining both cork trees and keeping "paper" trees allows both species of tree to continue absorbing green house gases. And that is good for everyone.

Save hands and trees. Use CoolCorC cup sleeves.