Thursday, December 10, 2009

CoolCorC Winner!

Congratulations to Beth P. for winning a CoolCorC Czarf in TheDirtyShirt blogs Holiday givaway!

The Czarf is a fantastic gift for anyone! It's environmentally friendly because it is made from cork - a naturally renewable and highly insulative material. Whether it's coffee, frozen drinks or even a personal beverage the Czarf keeps your hand happy and your drink happy too. Not only is it great for you and your beverage, it's also stylish and coordinates with any ensemble.

Congratulations Beth P.!

Save hands and trees! Use CoolCorC cup sleeves!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Get the Scoop on the CoolCorC Czarf

CoolCorC is honored to be included in the 2009 Christmas Gift Guide of The Dirty Shirt Blog. Our cork leather coasters and Czarf were reviewed and we are very excited to announce that we are giving away a Czarf through The Dirty Shirt Blog. To see how to receive a free CoolCorC Czarf, please click here (hurry though! The deadline to enter is December 9th!). Here is part of the review:

I love having a cover for my coffee cups so I can actually carry them and I am loving my new CoolCorC Czarf because it works!
The Dirty Shirt Blog is headed by Jennifer - a mother of three who started blogging, as many do, to keep her family up-to-date on her childrens activities. She started to do product reviews and is now a highly respected reviewer and has been rated as one of Neilsen’s Top 50 Power Moms. She is a Frigidaire Test Mom and has worked with Oscar Mayer, The Motherhood, TJ Maxx, Marshalls as well as General Mills.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Using Cork Helps Everyone and Every Tree

CoolCorC is using corks natural beauty and attributes for cup sleeves. Cork is hypoallergenic, waterproof, biodegradable, renewable, sustainable and highly insulative. Cork is the perfect all natural material to keep that hot cup of coffee from burning your hands.

Current mainstream cup sleeves use paper as their base. Paper is harvested from trees that are removed (cut down) from their environment. Once a tree is cut down it can no longer absorb green house gases or help support the animals that rely on the cork forests.

CoolCorC offers both disposable and reusable cup sleeves. Disposable CoolCorC cup sleeves are made of unprocessed cork and will degrade similarly to bark (since it is bark). CoolCorC's reusable cup sleeve - the Czarf - is made of unprocessed cork and cork leather. It is tough, durable and luxorious to hold. A single person using CoolCorC cup sleeves (either disposable or reusable) can potentially eliminate 10 lbs of cardboard cup sleeve waste a year (that's one cardboard sleeve a day for a year).

CoolCorC Disposable Cup Sleeve

CoolCorC Czarf - Reusable Cup Sleeve

Using cork helps maintain cork forests and trees that would otherwise be cleared for use as paper cup sleeves. Maintaining both cork trees and keeping "paper" trees allows both species of tree to continue absorbing green house gases. And that is good for everyone.

Save hands and trees. Use CoolCorC cup sleeves.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What about cork?

Although we post alot of information about cork on CoolCorCs website, we wanted to post what others are saying about the material.

Arniston Bay Wines says "If you have a choice, choose cork wine stoppers." Particularly because "wine enthusiasts everywhere can do their part to help the environment by choosing wines with natural cork stoppers." They also explain some differences between cork wine stoppers and synthetic wine stoppers.

West-Port News concedes that "when the cork is harvested, only 3 inches is cut. If it is not cut, the cork tree will rot and die." Cork must be used or harvested to keep the trees alive. If the demand for cork decreases then the harvesting of cork decreases and the death of the cork trees and forests increases.

Cork can only be endangered if it is not in demand.

Why demand cork? Since cork is essentially the bark of a tree it is biodegradable. It breaks down over time on its own. It is also hypoallergenic (which is one reason why cork flooring is so popular), waterproof, stain resistent, beautiful and highly insulative - which is why CoolCorC sleeves work so well!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We've Gone to the West!

The CoolCorCs traveled the west - handing out the disposable sleeves to shopowners who wanted to try them out. Some cities were more excited about the CoolCorCs than others - but everyone who saw us were excited about our use of cork. Here are some photos of where the CoolCorCs have been!

This is our sweet ride - there are pictures of us on the outside!
Houston, Texas - beautiful downtown area.

Texas windfarms on the way to Arizona. Sustainable energy!

The Golden Takin at the San Diego Zoo. One of the animals that lives in the cork forests. Without the cork forest, these already endangered animals may go extinct!

The Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Forest. The bark from these trees can be over 20 inches thick!

Alcatraz in San Francisco - our stripes are right!

The Grand Canyon - beautiful!

We have to give a huge "Thank You" to everyone who gave us a chance and tried us out! CoolCorCs are made out of the best sustainable material and we not only look good we perform great!
Do you have a story for CoolCorC? Send it to
Did we miss you and you want samples? Please let us know by emailing

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Happy Earth Day everyone! CoolCorC is celebrating Earth Day in San Diego, California!! We will be going North along the coast. Do you want us to head your way? Drop us a line by emailing Josh at:

CoolCorC is so excited about Earth Day and our participation in Distinctive Asset's Earth Day in Hollywood Gift Bags 2009. Each of the 25 celebrity recipients of Gift Bags that include fabulous, earth-friendly products will receive CoolCorC disposable cup sleeves, CoolCorC Czarfs (reusable sleeves), and CoolCorC coasters. Such celebrity recipients include: Justin Timberlake, Melissa Etheridge, Drew Barrymore, Sting and Tina Fey.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

CoolCorC heads west!

CoolCorC is on the road to visit coffee and tea houses west of the Mississippi. Check out our blog to see where we are going and where we have been. If you would like to learn more about CoolCorC send me an email at and we'll send you some samples or maybe even stop by!

Looking forward to meeting you,

Josh Wright
CoolCorC LLC